Glenna’s Room Introduction

My house My house is a squared log and stone building and there are four levels inside:  The basement, the main floor, the bedroom floor and the attic.  My husband designed and built this home himself.  It is his opus magnum.  At the top of the house and on the edge of the attic floor, there is a room nestled under the gable of the 12′ by12′ pitch roof.  Actually, there are two little rooms connected together by a door frame without a door.  The larger room has a wood floor stained a honey brown that gently gleams when it is clean.  The walls are painted a periwinkle blue.  There is a door  Read the rest....with windows in it that lead to a porch that is high above the ground overlooking a river lined with cottonwood trees.  There are two small square windows on either side of that door.  The roof slopes down steeply on either side of those little windows. A rustically elegant wooden table stands at the center of the room.  Against the short west wall there is an antique love seat, stuffed, mauve colored with a dark wooden trim, built sometime in the 1880’s.  It was a birthday gift from my husband years ago.  Underneath the small window to the right of the porch door, is a sewing machine sitting on top of a small wooden desk painted a light sage green.  To the left of the left small window is a floral print stuffed chair, the main color scheme being pink and dark blue with some green leaves thrown in.  A floor lamp stands next to that chair.
Through the connecting doorway, is a small narrow room.  The floor is as yet unfinished.  Someday, there will be carpet in there.  To the right, the wall stands only about 4 feet tall before it intersects the slope of the roof.  That short wall is completely lined with built in book shelves, completely full of books.  The wall on the left is twice the height of the wall on the right.  This wall is interupted by a stairway leading upto a storage loft and a sky light that doubles for a trap door leading to a ‘widows walk’ outside on the very top of the house.  On either side of the stairway are book shelves that go from ceiling to floor – also full of books.  At the end of this narrow room is a long narrow window, underneath which is a built in double bed.
The best feature of this little suite of two rooms is that the door that accesses them has a lock and the key that opens that lock is in my sole posession.  This is known as Glenna’s Room. To my children it is known as Mama’s Room and no one is allowed in there without my permission and it is rarely granted.  This is my personal space, my sanctuary, my hiding place, my creative place, my mental unwinding spot.  I can enter and lock the door behind me and think about what I need to think about, or work on a project without having to put it away to protect it from curious little hands.  The pervading sense of peace and quiet of that room can calm frazzled nerves and the abate the stress that is chronic in our modern lifestyle.  Somtimes weeks go by without me being able to enter My Room, but just knowing it is there is a comfort to me.
I have named my journal site after this room because I want to create a place on the web that is just for me.  A place where I can write whatever I feel like writing, without the constraints of sticking to a particular topic.  I can chronicle the doings of my family, or write formal papers, or record stories from my past, or review a book I’m reading, or simply brain dump.  This is just for me.  If you want to read it for the ride, that’s fine. But no negative comments alowed please.

A view of the porch outside Glenna's room

The Porch of Glenna's Room. Look up high.

Welcome to Glenna’s Room.

4 comments on “Glenna’s Room Introduction

  1. pictures of the inside of the room???

  2. Antonio says:

    Ciao Glenna,
    While I was on the internet viewing some of artist Scott Burdick’s work (is He related to Ed?) I ran into this blog. I am sorry to hear about all the various disadventures that you and your family is going through, thank God you are now all safe and well…I hope anyway! I read a little bit through the blog; you write very well! (I am probably the least suitable to critique English writing and literature) but I have the impression that you are an amazing artist. I think It’s hard to be able to put feelings in words and actually visualize them in the story as you read. The photography, though, needs a little…jk :-). I wish you and your family a peaceful Christmas and a safer New Year! My best regards to fellow artist Ed, and to your parents and family.

    Ciao Antonio.

  3. Becky Bowler says:

    Glenna I love your blog I will read it a bit at a time to enjoy the adventures. I think a book is in your future. I can tell the characters, scenes, and feelings would come alive under your pen.

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